a. International Diploma in Emergency Medicine – conducted by GZP
in collaboration with Stanford University (USA) since 2015.MoHS, GZP
and Stanford University, USA are currently in the process of forming a
Union Minister Dr. Myint Htwe & Stanford Professor Dr. Maha Devan at UM1

Graduation of 1st Batch Emergency Medicine Diploma (Stanford)

b. School of Nursing – established in Yangon in January of 2019 and will
continue to be upgraded.

c. Vocational Training School (Care giver & Nurse Aid Training) –
Train nurse aides and care givers in collaboration with elderly care
agency (J-SAT, Japan) since 2016.

d. Basic First Aid and Advanced Cardiac Life Support Trainings –
These conducted in Yangon upon request, free of charge as CSR
activity for some organizations since 2014.